Trade Services

Trade services of KG CARGO include such value added services like:
– Customs processing for your non-EU shipments
– ATA Carnet shipments
– Transportation under bond, issuing T1
– Storage under bond
– Government agencies compliance
– DAP handling
– DDP handling
– integrated inbound handling for your airfreight and ocean freight
For rates please send trade services rate request
In order to receive fastest possible reply which to respond completely to your specifi needs please, provide as much of the information required below:
1. Please provide accurate and complete contact information for smooth feedback and rate quote reply from our side.
2. Please clarify what kind of trade services you are looking at – customs processing, transportation of goods under bond, storage of goods under bond or government agency compliance
3. Please provide detailed information about your load or traffic concerning
– commodity description (be as detailed as possible)
– HTS – this is the customs tariff number which normally complies with BG customs tariff up to the 6 digit
– what type of customs mode are you looking at – regular import/export, temporary import/export, re-export, T1
– any other information which is important for classification of the commodity.